Rozhko Angela Yourevna

Research Fellow 

Institute of Psychology and Informal Justice


Adian Oksana Valerevna

Independent Expert

Institute of Psychology and Informal Justice


Dissocial personality disorder (antisocial personality disorder according to DSM ; dissociality in ICD -11 (from Ancient Greek δυσ- – a prefix meaning denial, difficulty, etc. + sociality); outdated names – personality disorder of emotionally incapable, antisocial psychopathy, heboid psychopathy, psychopathy, sociopathy; the newest name – sociopathy, moral dysfunction) – is a personality disorder characterized by antisociality, loss of ethics, disregard of social norms, impulsivity, sometimes combined with aggressiveness and an extremely limited ability to form and sustain long-term relationships.

The latest edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DCM-5) notes that "psychopathy" and "sociopathy" are synonymous with antisocial personality disorder.

Sociopaths offend each of us, they prevent us from navigating this vast world, making the right moral choice from a variety of behaviors.

A sociopath is a person without conscience and compassion who carries out destructive activities to seize all social systems (power, law, economy, finance, education, science, culture, sports, security, health care, etc.). By seizing these systems, the sociopath leads the arbitrariness.

Sociopathy is a severe form of personality disorder, which is characterized by destructive parasitic behavior, purposeful non-compliance with generally accepted social norms and rules, lack of a sense of conscience and empathy for other people, pretense and cunning, innate fraud.

A social parasite is a person that has captured the mechanism of resource allocation, imitating social benefit and living at the expense of society.

Usurpers (the world’s freeloaders) are a limited group that parasitizes over all peoples and countries of the world, deceiving, oppressing and exploiting inter alia ordinary social parasites, so that they, in turn, deceive, oppress and exploit most of the population on the planet.

Sociopathy as a personality disorder draws attention to the gross discrepancy between behavior and prevailing social norms, characterized by the following (diagnosed in case three or more diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder identified):

a) heartless indifference to the feelings of others;

b) a rude and persistent position of irresponsibility and disregard for social rules and duties;

c) inability to maintain relationships in the absence of difficulties in their formation;

d) extremely low ability to withstand frustration, as well as a low threshold for the discharge of aggression, including violence;

e) inability to feel guilty and benefit from life experiences, especially punishment;

f) a pronounced tendency to blame others or to make plausible explanations for one's behavior that leads the subject into conflict with society.

As an additional sign, there may be constant irritability. In childhood and adolescence, a conduct disorder can serve as confirmation of the diagnosis, although not necessarily.

Sociopathy includes:

sociopathic disorder;

sociopathic personality;

immoral personality;

antisocial personality;

antisocial disorder;

antisocial personality;

psychopathic personality disorder.



conduct disorders (F91.x);

emotionally unstable personality disorder (F60.3-).


DSM-IV and DSM-5

For the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder according to DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5, the general criteria for personality disorder should be accompanied by three or more of the following criteria:

A. Inability to comply with social norms, respect the laws, proved in their systematic violation, leading to arrests.

B. Hypocrisy, demonstrated in frequent lies, using pseudonyms or deceiving others in order to extract self-benefits.

C. Impulsivity or inability to plan ahead.

D. Irritability and aggressiveness, demonstrated in frequent fights or other physical encounters.

E. Riskiness without taking into account the safety of oneself and others.

F. Consistent irresponsibility, proved in the repeated inability to withstand a certain work schedule or to fulfill financial obligations.

G. Lack of regret, demonstrated in an indifferent attitude to harming others, abusing others or stealing from other people.


The diagnosis could be based on criterion B in respect of an adult only. Diagnosis based on criterion C should be evidenced by respective symptoms before the age of 15. Antisocial behavior should not only occur during episodes of schizophrenia or mania.

Petr Borisovich Gannushkin in his works on comprehensive psychopathies determines "antisocial psychopathy" as analogue of dissocial personality.

In the works of Nancy McWilliams, dissocial personality disorder is described within the framework of the concept of "psychopathic personality" and its synonym "antisocial personality". McWilliams describes this personality disorder as based on a profound inability (or severely impaired ability) to form and sustain long-term personal relationships with others, including one's own parents and children. According to her, a sociopath does not see the affection between other people and interprets their relationships solely as mutual manipulation. In accordance with his perception of society, a sociopath builds his relationships with other people: based on manipulation, for the sake of his own benefits. Since a sociopath has no affections, other people's needs and desires have no value for him and he acts only on his own. Since he doesn't expect anyone to consider his own needs, the only long-term plan to ensure safe coexistence with society that he can build is to "make everyone obey him". A sociopath expects same from others and, as a result, does not see any long-term benefits of observing social norms, including legal: social norms and moral norms are perceived by an antisocial psychopath as means of compulsion and manipulation. Sociopaths, without embarrassment, lie and commit crimes. In most cases, they are driven by their own benefit/disadvantage, although short-term only. They act impulsively and are not prone to planning. Restrictions on freedom and non-fulfillment of their desires are perceived hardly, they try to prevent this by any means available to them, mainly with the help of threats or the use of physical force. Refusal to use force is perceived as a weakness. They can make an extremely positive impression for some time in order to subsequently use it for their own benefit. They do not experience remorse, or rather do not have a conscience or possess it in an extremely underdeveloped form (the development of conscience is directly related to the formation of a sense of affection).

According to Eric Bern's definition, sociopaths are of two types:

The first type, latent or passive sociopath, behaves quite decently most of the time, taking the guidance of some external authority, including religion or law, or attaching himself at times to some stronger personality considered as an ideal (we are not talking here about those who use religion or the law to direct their conscience, but about those who use such doctrines instead of conscience). These people are not guided by the usual considerations of decency and humanity, but only obey their accepted interpretation of what is written in the "book".

The second type is an active sociopath. It is devoid of both internal and external constrains. If he can pacify himself for a while and put on a mask of decency (especially in the presence of persons who expect decent and responsible behavior from him), but as soon as such sociopaths find themselves out of reach of authoritative personalities who demand good behavior, they immediately cease to restrain themselves.

Distinctive types of deviant behavior in sociopathy may include:

directly criminal — sexual assaults on people, murders for hooligan motives or fraud;

formally not punishable, but condemned by society – inadequate behavior of drivers on the road, willful evasion of duties at work, minor dirty tricks to others. "Non-criminal" sociopaths, however, do not care about the danger or additional labor that will fall to the lot of other people because of them, and are indifferent to their possible losses.

It is important to understand that such people fully "understand" social norms, but ignore them. They are able to interact with society according to its rules, but do not feel the need for it and poorly control their own impulsivity.

Antisocial psychopaths are impatient and irritable. It's hard for them to arbitrarily keep their attention on one thing. As a result, they have significant difficulties with training, are not prone to systematic work. They may often criticize others, but never criticize themselves; prefer to blame their mistakes on circumstances and others. Sociopaths are also often unaware of their emotions, especially negative ones, and essentially do not experience them. This is due to the fact that they have a highly developed "non-response".

The personality traits of antisocial psychopaths often lead them to commit crimes, and as a result to prisoning, but they never regret committing a crime, but only that they were caught doing it. They can also self-actualise as leaders of sects, criminal and fraudulent groups. Often they become drug addicts or abuse alcohol, but not so much because they avoid reality, but because they indulge their desires.

Sociopaths create crises in society and hide behind public scrutiny and exposure. There are many concepts and opinions regarding the crisis of modern civilization. For instance, Nicolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky believed that the "rotting" culture of the world's leading civilization – the Western one – could be sanitised by the infusion of Slavic culture.

Oswald Spengler ordered a painful death for the West. 

Pitirim Sorokin refutes these theories, believing that the world has already experienced more than one civilizational crisis, but in the end it has continuously revived. Sorokin does not deny the fact of crisis phenomena in all spheres of public life and he sees this crisis, first of all, in the depreciation of fundamental forms of culture: fine arts, law and ethics. Sorokin does not recognise the "decline" of the West, he distinguishes three systems replacing each other in the event of downfall: ideational (based on the supersensual realm of God), sensual (based on reality, empirical feelings) and idealistic (something between the ideational and sensual).

According to Sorokin, our age is the age of sensual ethics. We (for the most part) are far from God and the key life principles of modern man are equivalent to such slogans as: "Maximum happiness for the maximum number of people", "Catch the day", "Life is short, so let's enjoy it".

The aim of the sensual system is to achieve pleasure, happiness. The principle of "Buy a car and be happy" in our life is much more weighty than the principle "material goods do not bring happiness".

The crisis of modernity lies, first of all, in the confrontation between the ideational (with faith in God as the central idea) and sensual (without God) systems leads to conflicts and hatred of man to man, class to class, nation to nation, race to race. In such chaos, moral values are reduced to dust. And although it is bitter to admit it, humanity, having made a choice in favor of obtaining sensual priorities, degrades, losing morality, living for pleasure, shamelessly fighting for wealth and turning the receipt of profit into a life credo... Undoubtedly, the crisis of the sensory system is obvious, and many people think with horror about what will happen next.

Sorokin was sure that the dominance of sensual ethics would not lead humanity to destruction. This is not the end of civilization, according to him. Humanity, the scientist believed, will soon naturally move to another system (ideational or idealistic) and get out of the moral impasse.

Our school of scientific psychology develops such concepts as moral psychology, ethical behavior controller, sociopathy. We use the concept of "primary" or connatural sociopath (personality disorder in this case is genetically inherited) and "secondary" sociopath (disorder due to social environment, upbringing, layering of experience of socio-parasitic behavior and hedonism).

The primary sociopath phenomenon is more rare, secondary sociopaths are more common. They are always in leadership positions. These personalities are full of charm, they subordinate others according to their goals.

A sociopath, for example, in culture is always a centrifuge: the main director, producer, project manager, head of the exhibition. The danger of the complex impact of creative ideas of a sociopath in culture is due to their characteristics distinguishing a sociopath from a talented sincere creator, including: 

the definite and recognised inhumanity of the sociopath's creative idea;

the savagery of the product of culture, which necessarily carries on a violation of legal and moral norms;

excessive outrageousness, cruelty, desecration of traditions, humiliation of the public;

unrealistic goals, unreasonable material costs aimed at achieving them, accompanied by intolerance of frustration (inability to achieve the goal);

propaganda of discomfort, scenes of violence, damage to others, living creatures, nature, animals, up to dissection, cynical turning inside out all living creatures;

symbiotics of cruelty, the imposition of perversions in the interpretation of the classics: in dramaturgy, in museum interiors, in street events; 

domination of gloomy colors in all manifestations of creativity, in other words: "illumination of darkness and darkening of light".

A sociopath in culture has the archetypal traits of an evil genius. This is the key to the magnetism and popularity of such personalities. For example, he pours mud on the authorities from a "creative" hose (figuratively, any other props) financed by the authorities itself. And then demands awards therefrom for this work. He creates a product of culture using someone else, although has absolute lack of self-criticism and believes in his uniqueness, genius. It is impossible to remove him from the pedestal – this is a media person with regalia. If the creative team of co-workers unites against the sociopath, the authorities will be on his side. He is virtually invulnerable.

Despotic, in contrast to paternal, trainings, mental drilling, obscene language, arrogance, breaking the will of subordinates – this is the inside of the creative process of a sociopath. Lack of conscience, failure of soulful qualities, emotional emptiness – these features create effective machines from sociopaths in the sphere of culture, where the emotional component of the profession is strong. Among sociopaths in culture, there are always brilliant intellectuals who can easily imitate discussions about emotions, depict the experience of joy or sorrow. Honest acting, entering the role for the sake of art but not self-elevation, have nothing to do with the features of a sociopath.


Tools for Changing Destructive Systems


Tools for changing destructive systems in the state and society require in-depth study, research and practical application of the main discursive-assessment method, promotion of eco-behavior and eco-management as a correction of the pathology in question.

The use of discursive-assessment tools in the correction of sociopathy allows not to isolate sociopaths, recognizing them as hopeless for social life, but rather to effectively block their destructive behavior.

Prevention of sociopathy is primarily aimed at visualizing the attitude to the harmful phenomenon of sociopaths, their recognition and tagging, followed by public assessment, the negative result of which will allow identifying, correcting behavior and minimizing the actual harm caused by sociopaths, so that they (willfully or not) do not multiply the signs of a dangerous code in society – egoistic, irresponsible, lacking self-criticism, immoral behavior.

Sociopaths raise hedonists, and then deprive them of the opportunity to satisfy growing desires, which leads to the rejection of life itself.

In the twentieth century, the concept of "system" was defined as a set of interrelated elements that form integrity or unity. In the XXI century, the system is defined differently as an imitation set of interrelated elements that form the external appearance of integrity and unity, in fact constituting an object (being pulled away, divided and theft) by social parasites.

The integrity of the system is only a showcase (imitation of the stability of the system, pretense). Integrity is destroyed by the contradiction of the subject and the object of management and control in the system. The subject, which in fact is a social parasite, considers the object of management as an object for consumption and utilization, parasitism, oppression and exploitation. The hierarchy of the system is transformed into proximity to the subject of management. The fate of the inner circle is the best place in the management hierarchy. The fate of the far circle is a place in the "social garbage", a place of exploitation and oppression of any talent.

An organization constituting per se interaction of two subsystems: managing and controlled, becomes in reality different: robbing and robbing, oppressed and exploited.

Such a system can be described by cybernetic, economic and mathematical models, which are easier to compare with reality – called the "Bottleneck".

The "Bottleneck"

The "Bottleneck" is a model that describes modern subsystems of management of social structures and organizations captured by social parasites. Once in any system that ensures one or another public or private process, the social parasite begins to create bulwark of covetousness, collecting bribes, narrowing the tunnel of the system possibilities into the "window of reality" – bribery for moving on.

Bribery in the modern sense is a payment for services outside the scope of law, a reward for a person taking the bribe to solve any problem or perform a task on unfair conditions comparing to other people, even if there is no formal violation of law. In the pre-revolutionary sense, the concept of bribery was different from covetousness. Covetousness results in super profits, whereas bribery in addition to that formally violates the law.

Features of Practical Implementation 

of Systematic Approach

Systematic analysis in terms of all levels of management in the state and society is carried out in accordance with the rule of III-C: 

1. Does the Managing Subject harm the Object by thought?

2. Does the Managing Subject harm the Object by word?

3. Does the Managing Subject harm the Object by action?

A. Does the Managing Subject create for his object by though?

B. Does the Managing Subject create for his object by word?

C. Does the Managing Subject create for his object by action?

Positive answers to these questions determine the system as a moral system, that is proven and ascertained in terms of sociopathic and parasitic phenomena minimized in it.

Destructive systems (in which sociopathy, hedonism, and social parasitism are cultivated and flourish) lead civilization along an immoral path to catastrophe and extinction. Suicidal behavior has become social, entire states and peoples carry out self-destruction. The term "social suicide" was introduced by Petr Yunatskevich in 1999 to determine the behavior of social subjects (head of any hierarchical organizational system of society or state), violating the rule of III-C which leads to the self-destruction of such a subject with the help of others (by means of a revolution, coercive regime change etc.). Violence is a mortal regulator of a destructive system, aimed at its physical destruction and erasing the social memory as a mistake in the development of civilization.

In reality, the development of civilization is ensured by minimizing the influence of usurpers-sociopaths and social parasites.

Indicators of the Lack of a Systematic Approach

To identify the lack of a systematic approach one need a skill of systematic analysis – as an inner mental act aimed to identify a pest in the subsystem of management based on deviations from the rule of III-C:

Deviation No. 1. The Managing Subject harms the Object by thought.

Deviation No. 2. The Managing Subject harms the Object by word.

Deviation No. 3. The Managing Subject harms the Object by action.

Deviation No. 4. The Managing Subject does not create for the Object by thought.

Deviation No. 5. The Managing Subject does not create for the Object by word.

Deviation No. 6. The Managing Subject does not create for the Object by action.

Further, a skill of systematic synthesis is required – this is a discursive-assessment process in which unlimited number of people discuss the question whether the Managing Subject whose character is marked by the Deviation No. 3 out of the rule of III-C should leave, withdraw or otherwise be excluded from the social system. A social parasite renders useless any social system, therefore identification and dismissal of the former is crucial for the functioning of the system, but not only an imitation process.

Application of a Systematic Approach, 

Recognition of Deformations in Organizational Systems

The appointment of a sociopath to a leading role and collective tolerance to the sociopath on such position in any structure leads to a number of negative consequences, including social suicide.

Among such consequences is the professional burnout of the entire team of the organization. A sociopath exhausts others with his irresponsible management, lack of self-criticism, unpredictability of punitive measures in relation to subordinates. Societies should not tolerate sociopaths, because his "reproduction" in leadership roles leads to collapse (catastrophe) in any sphere, especially in culture.

Antisocial personality disorder has so far been difficult to control. And it’s hard to imagine acceptable drugs and methods to select for the treatment in this case. Medical specialists (psychotherapists) may only prescribe disguising drugs aimed at controlling aggression, anxiety, depression but nothing more.

According to biological approach the brain of a sociopath has its features and differs from the brain of most people in the size of the amygdala responsible for emotions, fewer connections between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain responsible for making decisions), the size of the corpus callosum – area that separates the right and left hemispheres. These specific features of the organic structure result in a different decision-making mechanism inherent to sociopaths.

In other words, such people are not driven by emotions. Sociopath's brain does not respond with emotions even to harsh irritants, for example, words “death”, “trouble”, “illness”.

Sociopathy as a pathological phenomenon, a personality disorder, has not been previously studied in a sectoral context: science, culture, healthcare, public administration and other professional fields.

This disorder is a stable, rigid pattern of behavior, the signs of which are fundamentally different from conventional norms and values accepted by most people, which leads to difficulties in social interaction both in personal and professional relations.

For the sociopath himself, the choice of leadership role is a perfect disguise. As a power-holder, the sociopath is, to a large extent, shielded and justified from negative public assessment.

The peculiarity and relevance of the sociopathy problem in public administration lies in the impact not on a limited group of people but on a wider community. Both groups potentially prone to submissive, suggestible, emotionally receptive behavior. The masses of people are empathic, inclined to sympathize, unconsciously ready to be manipulated, which means they can easily become a target for a sociopath and take on signs of a destructive object of the system (lacking critical thinking, exalting a harmful product, taking over sociopathic cynicism, devaluating and ridiculing).

Once in government, the sociopath carries out massive harm.

Through the system of government the sociopathic model of behavior is easily implanted as an example to follow. Until recently, sociopathy in public administration has been largely ignored, since lack of personal responsibility serves as an excuse for many pathological phenomena.

An example from the field of culture. Totalitarianism in the preparatory process (trainings, rehearsals, auditions, etc.) is justified in advance by the result – the product of creation activity. Any audience will applaud the result and will not punish the artist, because a “masterpiece” would not have been born without despotism. The self-expression of the sociopathic artist overwhelms others. There is an unwritten right to permissiveness and creativity, disruption of patterns, even creative chaos. In culture, the end often justifies the means.

In the systems established and influencing culture today (regardless of the country), destruction phenomena are clear: serving sociopaths and disguising their sabotage, having irresponsible pranks of workers of culture become the subject of chanting and imitation, triggering any event generated by an eminent sociopath being a priori determined as cultural, even if there is no value in it and the event (exhibition, performance, festival, competition, etc.) relates to culture in its name only.

At the same time, modern destructive liaison mechanism in culture, commissioned by the same sociopaths, is able to destroy any moral phenomenon in culture (by denigrating, hiding and concealing).

A person is free to choose between good and evil, if he remains conscious, focuses on the law of conscience: an inner dialogue with himself, which helps to make a daily behavioral choice in favor of good and limit oneself in acts of evil. The work of conscience is a hard work, but also a great virtue. No matter how scoundrel a person may seem, the innate moral "tuning fork" remains in him. But if this instrument of a  soul breaks for any reason, including under the pressure of environmental circumstances, a behavioral deviation occurs, which negative development can lead to a “black hole” – lost conscience, sociopathy.

On the scale of a sociopathic epidemic, the broken conscience of entire nations is capable of leading the course of world history along a destructive path, up to a global catastrophe – suicide of an immoral civilization.

The Moral Path, Changing the Cultural Code being the Goal of the Majority

A public demand for creative change can change the reality quickly. Achieving sustainable, independent, cognitive and emotional human and society choice in favor of moral behavior and management, the inevitability of following morality through understanding and compliance with the rule of III-C, these tools ensure the shortest way to achieve a “tipping point” in changing the cultural code that will not allow suicidal behavior.

A new form of idolatry that has penetrated the masses through double standards is the cult of the "green agenda", the worship of a clean planet. But the idea is revealed. At the request of the world's freeloaders, a sincere request of the human population has been carefully assessed and appropriated (that is, the common thoughts, feelings, motives of billions of people were analyzed and determined). Reaching for beauty, purity, possessing moral nature, having an intuitive aversion to depravity (lacking will to harm themselves, other people and the planet), realizing the disastrous way of harming the planet through the anthropogenic activities of a mankind it was.

So this sincere request has been actualized and appropriated as an idea, taken under “external management”, heated up to the utmost fear. Control over meanings in the practical sense of the century XXI. The usurpers tried to use the green agenda manipulatively in order to artificially reduce the number of people and replace the type of a “thinking man” with a “modular obedient man”. The key here is a self-reduction – practically it is a suicidal choice to change one's gene pool, in other words: a complex campaign against humans through turning them into а weapon ща self- and next generation destruction, mass psychopathization.

Such a "modular obedient man" will be easily included in any system of superficial social ties, without having any heartfelt affections – to the Motherland, loved ones, the older generation, their own children, spiritual and moral traditional cultural values, family customs.

There is no conspiracy, let alone mystical underlying reason here. The cynical simplicity of coinocracy is based on economic interests and convenience. The idea of the world's puppeteers of the "society of performance", a modular mankind should be strong with weak ties. He is simplified in relationships, in communication. Today he communicates with one closely, and tomorrow forgets his name, because another person appears, more profitable one. There is no love, no trust, only partnership. The main thing is profit and safety, survival, quasi-eco-restriction for oneself. It is the depreciation skill that scales, not the objective moral assessment. The "strength of superficial connections", freedom from property, irresponsibility, depersonalization, unification of the needs of the majority in favor of the exclusive whims of a limited group of usurpers are instilled.

Suicidal ideology today is a double standard: on the one hand, the worship of the cult of money for the sake of profit, on the other hand, pseudo-asceticism for the sake of a "green agenda" for the majority of the planet's inhabitants. But the "modular Robocop" will not become a reborn human subject. This is an obedient mutant with physical and mental deformations, unified and unhappy. In other words, a “cultural” revolution of explosive pseudo-asceticism is being introduced for some (renunciation of immaterial and material culture, property, health and even life), for the sake of profit and procreation of others – a limited number of usurpers-sociopath, serving the cult of money.

Instead of changing the cultural code – the moral, natural outgrowth, a suicidal code is imposed on peoples – harm others, and as a result, harm yourself.

A suicidal code devastates a person's spiritual world, making him a soulless machine to satisfy growing desires. The ideology of consumption, smoothly and plausibly mimicking the "green agenda" and transhumanism, inspires double standards, behind which lies the same faith in the cult of money, the worship of the golden calf. The lack of love for the Motherland and awareness of the cultural value of one's nation is recognized in classical psychiatry as one of the symptoms of a mental illness.

Today, the empty ideology field is overgrown with the wildly growing and socially dangerous ideology of richness at any cost. It dominates and is not limited at all. But the same, sincere, intuitive request for the change, reforming the moral culture, education and working environment concerns billions of people.

The idea of morality is not disputed by anyone. Morality, as an operational category, is defined as “non-damage to oneself, others and the environment, harmony of spiritual and material desires and actions, balance of rights and obligations”.

This rule is not a well-intentioned wish, it constitutes the “quintessence” of universal human experience.

With no ideology, people turn into a population, and the suicidal code works for self-destruction, the extinction of the whole country.

Monetocrats, greedy conformists (even if they proclaim themselves ideologues) cannot rally reliable, loyal allies around themselves. They are not capable of adequate self-assessment, discourse, eco-behavior, eco-management.

The usurpers-monetocrats turn the nation into a "controlled population", and then into social garbage aimed at self-destruction (targeted population reduction).

Changing the cultural code (rejection of the suicidal code in favor of the moral one) makes it possible to change the life of people today from the vector of anxiety, fear, coercion, exploitation to the growth of the vector of mutual assistance, strong horizontal ties and creation.

Assimilation and application of the discursive-assessment method developed by Soviet – Russian scientists Victor Chigirev and Petr Yunatskevich allows anyone now to influence and change circumstances, facts and adjust behavior. A person can make a decision to become moral even “from Monday”, even “from the new year”, and not only accept but follow it throughout his life.

This is the difference between the moral path and the construction of socialism / communism, where everyone built, but no one was specifically responsible for the result.

For the sake of happiness and the preservation of a humanbeing as the highest value for society and the state, moral citizens and officials are required. Reliance on such relations ensures the safety and further civilization outgrowth.




Sociopaths are individuals who have lost their conscience, compassion for others, living without principles and laws, seizing resources and imposing faith in the "Golden Calf" (the cult of money). They suppress the important instinct of group solidarity, atomize (separate) society and the state. As a result, everyone becomes for himself: do not harm yourself, harm others and survive. This gives rise to a lack of justice, leads to increasing aggression in society, growing number of suicides and auto-aggressive behavior.

First stage. First, there is general disappointment with each other and the state.

Second phase. Distrust of each other and the state begins. Outflow of people and capital from the territory occurs. A voluminous turnover of legal conflicts and disputes is created. The law enforcement system is flooded with applications for criminal prosecution. The legal machine is paralyzed by a massive demand for justice, but cannot satisfy it. The catastrophe of a state at this stage is approaching.

Third stage. Hatred towards each other and the state begins, mass theft and total corruption occur. Officials unleash a war against former partners in theft and robbery in accordance with all the rules of jurisprudence. The security forces are on the path of traitors to the authorities and the country. For example, yesterday we served together in the state security agencies, then we built churches together, then the state entrusted us a corporation, then we robbed the corporation, transferred money and children abroad, betrayed. A typical path of a pickpocket in a uniform, whose life path is determined by the remorse of greed.

Fourth stage. Aggression begins, leading to a change of a government authority. The struggle for resources becomes more active, deals break up, administrative panic occurs, control over the situation is lost. The state commits suicide, it falls apart into new formations.

In order to prevent a new geopolitical catastrophe, it is necessary to restore the instinct of social solidarity through mobilization as soon as possible.

The restoration of the instinct of social solidarity is ensured through the use of eco-social technologies based on the discursive-assessment method. The formation of various planes of discourse and assessment makes it possible to mark a sociopath as a pest to society and the state, ensures its timely rotation, and stops the administrative (organizational) panic created in the flourishing sociopathy.

Sociopathy is a destructive behavior proven in violations of socially accepted norms. It harms other people by denial of the rights of other people, violating social norms, and arbitrariness. The greed and acquisitive instincts become the leading motive in the actions of a sociopath. The sociopath personality features emotional idiocy (lack of sensitivity to the suffering of others). They harm others in order to survive at expense thereof.

The moral of a sociopath is to avoid punishment from others affected by his deeds. The sociopath builds his whole life on this principle. In cultural and economic life, sociopathy leads to the moral bankruptcy of a leader (has been steeling until the facts of theft became the subject of public discussion and humor, ridicule).

For a sociopath, the highest goal is pleasure, entertainment, dominating over others.

The Institute of Suicidality of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies (AEST) has begun a study on how (domestic) sociopaths drive people to suicide. They are to blame for triggering suicidal behavior. They are moral freaks, ruthless in their personal lives, who have lost their sense of compassion for human pain and torment. They are good at manipulating human feelings, they know how to deceive and mislead. They manipulate others, have no feelings of guilt, regret.

A sociopath maintains the outward appearance of a normal, educated person. Favorable circumstances allow them to maintain an external impression of normality and get what they want with impunity. To satisfy their ruthless need for self-affirmation, they go ahead: "nothing to no-one, everything to myself".

Sociopaths frustrate the established moral norms. They constantly deceive, cross the line of what is permitted. They know how to hide facts without attracting the attention of law enforcement agencies. Billions of people suffer the pain and humiliation inflicted by sociopaths. Often the victims do not clearly understand the reasons for their suffering. Therefore, they cannot explain it to others. Sociopaths are able to create a good impression of themselves and shift the responsibility on others, and often on the shoulders of the victims themselves (“you yourself are to blame”).

Once in an enterprise, a company, sociopaths become vicious managers who, behind a bright appearance, hide their animal nature. This is the charm of the snake. Malignant narcissists who treat others with disdain. They curry favor with their superiors and suppress those below them. In fact, in their own interests, they carry out subversive activities in the teams they lead, and become the cause of numerous office conflicts. Dissenters and critics are severely persecuted. They give out empty promises, maliciously manipulate others in their own interests. Dispose of other people's money at their discretion. They know how to instill fear. They are helped by ubiquitous greed and powerful people turning a blind eye to sociopaths' blatant fraud.

Sociopaths are eloquent, resourceful, cold-blooded and completely ruthless. Even if they are caught at the scene of a crime, they will pretend that nothing happened and by this they are knocking the ground out from under the feet of individuals seeking justice. As a result, often, people guard of petty thiefs and ask for help from corrupt officials – wasters of public funds, who have long been ill with sociopathy. And it is not surprising that a law enforcement officer infected with sociopathy robs the one who appealed to him for help and protection.

A sociopath in any profession is a threat to all of us. Sociopath's willingness to take advantage of any opportunity for enrichment, combined with a complete lack of conscience, form a powerful formula for crime.

The formula for any crime is the following. Disorder of the moral sphere: cruelty, ruthlessness, unconventional attitude to ethics and morality, extreme ego-centrism, resourcefulness, threats against whistleblowers, emotional idiocy, lack of feelings. Committing unlawful act sociopaths fully realize the nature of it. They only save themselves in an emergency. They have no loyalty to the norms and rules, it is alien to sociopaths. “Everything for yourself. All the best for myself only” constitutes the logic of a sociopath. Therefore, they gladly accept the offer to betray their supervisor, their country. They feel no anxiety about this, they don’t worry that they will be revealed and cause someone pain, trouble, destroy someone’s life.

A sociopath always cherishes the hope to escape punishment.

The connection between forbidden actions and feelings of anxiety is weak. Therefore, punishments do not deter the sociopath from violating legal and moral norms. They often do not experience fear and anxiety about committing crimes, the norms of the law, ethics and moral per se.

The basis of conscience is fear and anxiety about crossing the lines of law and moral. Sociopaths lack this. They do not worry when they are caught in violation of the norm. They do whatever they think they can get away with. Sociopaths know the rules but don't follow them. They are unable to resist temptation and feel no guilt about their crimes and moral retreats. These people realize everything, and deliberately violate the rules and regulations. Often they create their own rules, which they supposedly follow. But the declared rules are violated along the way, depending on the benefits received.

Sociopathy proves itself equally among males and females.

Sociopaths are able to deceive both friends and enemies, they lie, "cheat", and it allows them to keep their frauds and abuses secret. They can successfully manipulate the truth for their own good. Experiencing delight in "swindling" others. They treat others as means of satisfying their own desires and needs: “the one is weak is a fool and he is asking that I deceive him, victim is the one to blame for the fraud”.

A sociopath acts in his own interest only. Sociopaths consider themselves only as real victims: “I was made to take the fall, I am a victim, not a criminal, I've just been slandered”. They do not feel guilty and do not regret the harm they have caused. Demonstrate a stunning indifference to the devastating consequences of their deeds.

Sociopathic businessmen think very broadly, but at the expense of others.

Sociopaths are extremely narcissistic, arrogant, startlingly self-centered, and pretentious. They consider themselves superior beings, centers that are allowed to live by their own rules. Always claiming position #1 in any case:

"I have no weaknesses";

“I care too much about others”;

"I stick to my laws and never break them".

Once failed, they "lay the blame on somebody else".

There is no sincerity in communication, they show complete indifference to exposure, talkative and superficial. Memorable phrases are mechanically reproduced. In communication they show good social disguise. They talk a lot about nothing and praise themselves. The first opportunity to show deceit is immediately utilized. They allow outrage in relationships, irresponsible for the consequences of such relations. They are aimed at presenting a completely distorted picture of reality.

Sociopaths feature a complete social color-blindness. They do not distinguish emotional states of other people and do not feel their pain and sufferings. This deviation can be characterized as moral ugliness, antisocial personality disorder, moral disorder. Sociopaths carry out violations of social and legal norms cynically and consciously. They intentionally, deliberately harm others and are good at predicting all the consequences of their wrongdoings.

Once in a system of relationships, a sociopath deliberately plans to harm others and gain benefits for himself.

Sociopathy also affects young people due to defective parenting. The cynicism of parents, their low-moral character and focus on money contribute to the development of sociopathy. Seeing such behavior, a child, young person cannot fully form his moral. They begin to deliberately harm others, rob them, live, parasitizing at the expense of others, avoiding only harming themselves.

Sociopathy is the consequence of a global moral crisis. Today it is becoming the main threat to governmental authority and public order. Being someone in authority, the sociopath abuses it, causing harm to others. The higher the position is held, the more harm such a subject can cause. The harm is promoted if he is a good expert, a professional in his field: an immoral professional is more dangerous than an enemy.

Given the features of a sociopath, it is clear that being in a correctional facility does not remedy a sociopath. Sociopaths do not actually remorse. In this context such people should fully serve their sentence, since their release carries the risk of committing new and more ruthless crimes. During a stay in a correctional institution, a sociopath must constantly find himself in a discursive-assessment field. He should be discussed and assessed by guards and victims. Being constantly in the discourse will be a diagnostic and educational procedure for a sociopath. It is exactly what will enable one to understand whether the subject has formed a sense of guilt, and whether he really repents of his deed.

Corruption should also be considered as a consequence of the disorder of the moral sphere of a person. Sociopaths carry out the dehumanization of society, and do not allow creative outgrowth. They distort any social relationship they get into. This is a true evil of our time, which has penetrated into all spheres of human life.

The essence of the moral disease called «sociopathy» is "harm everything and everyone except yourself and prosper at the expense of others."

Diagnosis and treatment of sociopathies can be carried out through the use of a discursive-assessment method.

The discursive-assessment method (DAM) consists in a targeted discussion, ethical assessment and visualization of the harm (threat) coming from a particular person by smaller groups of people and the entire mass of population.

Prevention of sociopathies should take place from early childhood. If and when a child began to show disobedience, lies, cruelty to animals, aggression towards peers and younger children, it is necessary to help him stop the impending disorder of the moral sphere.

In order to do so, it is important to teach children to discuss and make real-time assessment of themselves and each other on different scales:



cruelty towards animals;

aggression towards others;


According to specific scales, it is possible to assess the attitude of children towards teachers also. This allows to maintain a high level of professional compliance of teachers and educators, and make necessary human resources decisions in time.

Visualization of children relationships with each other and adults (parents, teachers) will make it possible to correct the behavior thereof and carry prevent disorders in the moral sphere (sociopathy). Accumulated, these data will constitute the subject-oriented pedagogical base, necessary for making decisions on the organization of pedagogical processes. 

Specialized online games designed with open scenarios play significant role in the prevention of sociopathies. These are so-called social games, for a child to discuss, assess each other using game scales. They can also assess the teacher on other scales so that the feedback is clear. For example, children can evaluate a teacher on a scale: "she is more of a Good Fairy, or an Evil Witch". And the colleagues of such teachers can figure out then why the children evaluate their teacher as an "Evil Witch".

It is important to teach a child a social game with an open scenario, which is taken from his very life. This will contribute to successful socialization and the development of the moral rule: do not harm nature, others and yourself. Eco-behavior is based on the daily observance of this rule, the introduction of which means minimizing sociopathy in society and state. It is sociopaths that undermine the environment. Therefore, it is important to prevent sociopathies in every possible way from childhood.

It is important to teach a child an ecological approach in a play-mode: group assessment, obtaining indexes, observing dynamics. This will form friendly teams of children, teachers and parents. School and home discipline will be strengthened, all participants of discussions and assessments will gain moral characteristics. The future belongs to educational games to shape the eco-behavior of children and adults.

Our main task is to rid the governing authorities, culture and society of sociopaths.

Sociopaths generate injustice, carry out a redistribution in their own favor, ruthlessly dooming entire nations to extinction, they deform culture and fill it with anti-values, turn it into a “dirty business”, put persons of non-traditional moral orientation and simply pests and plunderers into leading positions.

In order for sociopaths to not destroy the state and society, it is necessary to introduce the discursive-assessment method into various spheres of life. First of all - in the spheres of public administration and public self-government, education and culture, medicine and law, economics and finance.


Practical Recommendations for the Implementation of a Moral Approach

to Public Administration


The key problem in public administration, triggering the mechanism of social suicide, are persons with signs of a sociopathic disorder penetrating into public authorities and behaving aggressively towards other people. These persons use the state administrative authorities to disguise their parasitism and arbitrariness. For example, conversion of cultural events into the "show" mode has led to multiplication of events, but minimization of cultural citizens.

The development of a social filter in the sphere of public administration becomes possible through the wide participation of the public (professional psychologists, psychiatrists) in the timely identification of sociopaths in public authorities.

We can certainly call psychiatry one of the most stigmatized areas of medicine, which causes concern and mistrust. People practice self-medication and only seek help in extreme situations. "Punitive psychiatry" is a powerful stereotype that has evolved over the centuries. Anything related to mental disorders is an extremely complex area, facing the risks of abuse. For centuries, people with disorders and mental illness have been treated as second class. Extremely harsh methods of treatment have been applied. Moreover, psychiatry is often used as a convenient instrument for political purposes, such as violent treatment with no real indications.

In public administration, phobias are also artificially formed in relation to any real psychological, and even more so, psychiatric diagnostics.

However, these fears give rise to the other extreme – the lack of honest diagnosis and the admission of persons with mental disorders to responsible positions. As a result, in relation to public administration, one of the main problems arose, generated by the flourishing psychopathization – the plundering of budgets at all levels under the leadership of sociopaths.

A person's harm to himself and others occurs due to the lack of inheritance of the moral and cultural code (the rule of III-C) – a person should not harm himself, others and the environment. Murders, violence, one person harming another, standardized through the media, such artistic images should become a relic of history, go into the past.

Creativity and harmless behavior should become the basis of education and culture, social activities, the central artistic image, broadcasted by means of literature, performance (music, dance, theater), fine arts (painting, architecture, art photography, cinematography) etc.


Diagnosis and Prevention of Sociopathy in Public Administration


Antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy is diagnosed through the following features of a subject:

loss of a sense of conscience, shame in front of others and the ability to empathize with others;

hedonism, aim to satisfy one's desires in any way;

social parasitism – living at the expense of other people, avoiding personal responsibility for the assigned task, imitation of socially useful work;

sabotage, pushing others into conflicts with each other, manipulating others, pretense, seizure of the results of social labor and appropriation of Government budgets;

generating injustice in any organization such subject enters.

The most correct personality characteristic of a sociopath is: "A person without conscience, a hedonist, a parasite and a pest."

Such a person is sincerely convinced that if he wants something, he must get it anyway, and if some ethical rule (or law) prevents him from achieving what he wants, it can easily be neglected.

The method of diagnosing and preventing sociopathy was developed in the USSR (military scientific school of Victor Chigirev and Petr Yunatskevich) and is based on the use of social filters in government authorities.

A social filter is created by development of a research center in a government body (for example, NIL-4 in the USSR Military Space Forces, the Military Engineering Krasnoznamenny Institute named after A. Mozhaisky) with authorized staff of psychiatrists and psychologists aimed at examining personnel of the government body, revealing sociopaths and establishing professional compliance or non-compliance of managing leaders and ordinary specialists of the government body. Based on these conclusions, personnel policy is implemented, timely rotation of personnel affected by sociopathy takes place, ensuring the protection of the public administration body from collapse, criminalization and disaster.

Many people with this type of personality disorder manage to succeed in life. They differ for high intelligence, the ability to manipulate people, to pretend and disguise their harm as a social good. At the same time, they categorically refuse therapy, because, for the most part this disease does not interfere with them at all but rather  helps in the victory over state administration.

Only psychiatrists and psychologists with proper background can find a way out of such a seemingly hopeless situation.

An example of such specialists in the USSR are the employees of NIL-4 department of the Military Engineering Krasnoznamenny Institute named after A. Mozhaisky:

psychiatrist Vladimir Vorobiov;

psychiatrist Yevgeny Senopalnikov;

psychologist with individual psychiatric training Petr Yunatskevich.

They have been identifying sociopaths in strategic military forces, justifying their turnover by various reasons and providing the necessary support to employees of the governing body suffered from a sociopath.

As is the case with many other mental pathologies, the exact etiology of this disease is not fully known. According to Victor Chigirev, Vladimir Vorobiev, Yevgeny Senopalnikov and Petr Yunatskevich, the phenomenon of sociopathy is genetically and (or) socially determined.

The endogenous cause of the pathology lies in congenital defects in the functioning of certain areas of the brain, “responsible” affection, responsibility, shame and many other emotions.

An exogenous cause – such a personality disorder constitutes a kind of mental protective mechanism, triggered by other sociopaths demonstrating the patient the advantage and irresponsibility of the sociopathic behavior.

The development of the disease is facilitated by observing examples of irresponsible behavior and the easy life of sociopaths. From early childhood, a child can observe the behavior of a father or mother, grandparents, who have taken leadership positions and lead a “sweet” immoral lifestyle in satisfying their exorbitantly growing desires.

This behavior is described in the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Through literary images, Pushkin conveyed to the reader the following ethical idea: " Constantly growing desires harm a person".

The story revolves around a sociopathic lifecycle on the example of an old woman:

the desire to get a new trough;

the desire to get a new house;

the desire to become a noblewoman;

the desire to become a Queen;

the desire to become a Mistress of the world.

The development of desires is ensured by a person who has become an object of parasitism for a sociopath. The victim cannot stop this parasitism. Only returning the sociopath back to the “broken trough” stops the parasitism.

That is, a sociopath should not be allowed to go beyond the “broken trough” because of his parasitic and harmful behavior.

The first features of sociopathy appear already in adolescence. Attention is paid to the fact that the child does not understand the need and importance of obeying the rules and regulations, and is not able to restrain his emotions. He easily breaks the law, he knows that his parents will pay for any of his tricks.

Examples of this are extreme car races around the city by representatives of the "golden youth" suffering from sociopathy. Such a minor needs to buy not a new executive car, but to treat and educate him, separating him from the negative example of the sociopathic behavior of his parents.

Symptoms of sociopathy in adolescence include the episodes of aggression, violence and cruelty towards other people. Such a child is naughty, unkind, gradually he learns to manipulate adults with the help of lies and pretense. They use threats to run away from home, complain to the guardianship authorities and even commit suicide. Complaints about non-existent health problems are not excluded, often the “necessary” symptoms are simply found on the Internet.

It is difficult for a teenager with sociopathy to sit in class, often he simply does not see the point in learning, skips classes, often leaves home, ignoring the feelings of his parents. But if he sees that something threatens his well-being, he again begins to lie and play, pretending to regret.

A distinctive and basic diagnostic criterion for sociopathy is the absence of a sense of shame. The patient apologizes for only meeting expectations, not experiencing emotions.

In adulthood, the symptoms of sociopathy are discreet, but that doesn’t mean the disease has passed into a latent or mild form. Rather changes for the better are due to the fact that a person simply learned to behave in an appropriate way. But nevertheless, such traits as the greed, egoism, hedonism and the desire to parasitize on society and the state remain. Such patients are committed to achieve their benefits first and strive to enjoy life.

Often they start drinking, taking drugs. There is absolute lack of emotions basic and essential to each person – love, affection, warmth, a sense of responsibility to other people, conscience.

In clinical psychology, there are several specific features of sociopathy in an adult:

fictitious behavior (pretense);

mendacity, giving empty promises;

cynicism, inability to maintain social distance talking to an unfamiliar person or a stranger in an informal, disrespectful manner;

rudeness, insults, while the patient does not see the need for an apology;

intrigues, clashes and pitting other people against each other;

easy use of lies to achieve their goals or justify actions;

inability to experience feelings of guilt and remorse;

inability to regret and feigned repentance in order to mitigate the sentence of the court;

a specific style of communication, ability to make favorable initial impression, seem quite an attractive and interesting, an erudite person;

inability to draw moral lessons from life experience, the lack of inner logical chain: harming others means harming yourself, alternative logic instead: taking as much as possible, as far as possible, never do anything good to anyone.

In pursuit of their own benefits, patients easily charm other people, which explains their great success with the opposite sex. However, such patients are incapable of long-term interpersonal relations. They easily lose their temper, are prone to physical violence against loved ones, including their own and other people's children.


Main Types of Sociopathy


There are several forms of sociopathy:

Passive. The patient usually leads a completely normal life, but attention is paid to emotional coldness, indifference, prudence, cynicism. For example, a girl meets an honest guy, then she makes up a plan: she marries him, their relatives buy them an apartment, then she divorces and keeps the apartment for herself. She takes literally everything from such a temporary residence with her husband, appropriates wedding money. She begins to live in a given apartment. The guy and all the relatives are disappointed, the girl enjoys the fact that she used everyone for her own benefit and gain – the apartment. The feelings of relatives and others are indifferent to the passive sociopath.

Highly active. Characterized by deviant behavior, illegal actions, attacks of aggression and irritability, patients enjoy causing moral, physical, finance and material harm to other people. For example, a young rake from the provinces moves to the seaside city of Sochi and becomes a real estate agent. Once approached by his countrymen, he pretends to be a wealthy businessman, a developer. He creates a performance for his fellow-countrymen – yachting on the sea (rented) with an "high-powered partner". Taking advantage of the greed of the fellow-countrymen, he bottles the air, sells luxury real estate paintings at a “low price”, promises to “get rich by reselling the property”, in fact collects money and buys luxury real estate for himself. He begins to systematically deceive others, causing harm to hundreds of people, corrupting the local court, the police, the prosecutor’s office. This happens until a group of law enforcement officers from the center appears on his way. The sociopath's career and sabotage are coming to a logical end – 10 years of ordinary-regime under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Specifics of Diagnosis and Treatment


Diagnosing sociopathy is not easy, because even in communication with a doctor, a person often carefully hides all the symptoms. He listens very carefully to the specialist, his words about how to get rid of the disorder, agrees with him, but in practice refuses therapy, because he does not see anything shameful in his parasitic lifestyle.

Often, relatives of the patient initiate the start of treatment, tired of his cruelty and dishonesty. Only experienced specialists (psychiatrists and psychologists) can distinguish between the “mask” and the real personality of a person.

A mild degree of the disease requires psychotherapy, the method of  mental correction is always selected on an individual basis. Group classes, occupational therapy, change of a job are among instruments. These are especially effective in acquired sociopathy not associated with genetic defects.

The wide involvement of the psychiatric and psychological community in the identification of sociopaths in public authorities is essential to protect the state from disasters and mortal rotations.

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