International Information Justice Agency

Declaration of the International Agency for Information Justice
The International Information Justice Agency is an international organization that provides real-time online assessment by citizens of various entities whose actions or omissions depend on the satisfaction of citizens' request for justice.
The International Information Justice Agency provides ethical regulation of the conduct of persons who ensure the restoration and balance of justice.
The main problem preventing the restoration of justice - serial crooks, sociopaths, social parasites.
The way to minimize serial fraud, sociopathism, social parasitism - ethical regulation of the behavior of persons found in this with the help of discursive and appraisal procedures.
How can a citizen restore justice?
Every citizen can express their positive, neutral, negative relations. He can make appraisal judgments because of freedom of speech to officials who are responsible for restoring justice. Citizens can mark subjects who pose a threat of justice (serial crooks, sociopaths, social parasites).
By assessing and tagging the subjects that pose threats, the citizen not only improves his life, but also helps others to live better, and the leaders of the world receive a sociological justification for making personnel decisions.
Rotating personnel responsible for balancing justice and prosperity of all nations of the world is the main way to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens in all regions of the world, ensuring the implementation of un nations agreements and resolutions.
The Declaration has been under international discussion since July 20, 2020. As a result of the international discourse, changes and additions will be adopted, after which the declaration will come into legal force.
Provision on the International Information Justice Agency
Is in discussion
Article 1. Informational Legal Activities
1. Informational legal activity is a comprehensive, integrative legal assistance provided by experts from different professions to protect rights, freedoms and interests, as well as to ensure the restoration of justice.
2. Comprehensive, integrative legal aid includes:
diverse analysis of the participants of the dispute, conflict, their social, economic, legal, medical and other relevant characteristics and properties;
to develop, adopt and implement a systemic solution to the dispute and conflict.
Article 2. Restoring Justice
1. The restoration of justice is continuous and is carried out through public discussion and condemnation in the open information space.
2. Subjects who violate justice - sociopaths and serial crooks.
3. Sociopaths are persons who have lost their conscience, compassion for people, deliberately committing crimes on the basis of personal selfish and powerful motives. They use crimes to seize influence, domination, power over other people and enjoy the creation of injustice. Sociopaths support injustice all over the world, unleash wars and conflicts, and deliberately create obstacles in the normal, moral development of human civilization.
Sociopaths seize power, dominate people through deception, violence, arbitrariness, abuse of law, power, money, property.
4. Serial fraudsters are constantly evading justice and continuously deceiving all people in order to misappropriation of money and property. Capture by fraud public office to use power to make money, profit. They are interested in money that they are ready to receive at all costs.
5. Sociopaths and serial crooks make up the parasitic part of society - social parasites. They are a threat to all humanity, lead states and societies to catastrophes (inequality, ruthless exploitation of human beings, mass manipulation and deception of people, poverty, poverty, war, terrorism, crime).
6. Social parasites that cause injustice to others cannot stand up to other people's assessments, cannot resist public discussion and condemnation.
7. Informational Legal Activities relate to integrative, comprehensive legal assistance aimed at organizing a multilateral assessment, discussion and condemnation of the organizer and executor of injustice.
Article 3. Agent of the International Information Justice Agency
1. The agent of the International Information Justice Agency is a person who has received the status of an agent in accordance with this Regulation and the right to carry out informational legal activities. The agent is an independent professional advisor for comprehensive, integrative legal aid.
2. Providing informational (comprehensive, integrative) legal assistance, agent:
provides advice and certificates to protect rights, freedoms, legitimate interests, restore justice;
attracts various experts to comprehensively investigate the issue of the injured citizen (organization), organizes the compilation of statements, complaints, petitions and other documents necessary for the organization of public discussion and evaluation;
ensures the independent and qualified participation of the injured citizen in the civil, arbitration and criminal proceedings.
Article 4. International Information Justice Agency and the State
1. The International Information Justice Agency is an international professional community of lawyers, lawyers, experts, retired law enforcement officers and as an institution of civil society is not part of the system of state and local governments.
2. The International Information Justice Agency operates on the basis of the principles of legality, independence, self-government, corporateism, and the principle of equality of agents.
Article 5. The powers of an agent of the International Information Justice Agency
1. The powers of an agent of the International Information Justice Agency involved in the restoration of justice are determined by a contract with the aggrieved citizen (organization). The contract may be oral or written.
2. The agent of the International Information Justice Agency has the right to collect and process information about the violator of justice. It can provide this material to the attention of the society to form a social assessment.
3. Social assessment - assessment of society, correcting in the direction of fairness of the decision of public persons.
4. Social assessment is dynamic, reflects the attitude of citizens to the perpetrator of the violation of justice, deprives him of reputation and trust.
5. The loss of the reputation and trust of a particular social parasite is the basis for minimizing social parasitism in society.
Article 6. Responsibilities agent of the International Agency for Information Justice
1. An agent of the International Information Justice Agency is obliged:
honestly, wisely and conscientiously defend the rights and legitimate interests of the citizen (organization) who has applied for the complex, integrative legal assistance of all means not prohibited by national laws;
constantly improve your knowledge on their own and improve your professional level in the field of information justice;
observe the rule "Three C" (3 C): do not harm yourself, neighbors, habitat neither by thought, nor by word, nor by deed; to create for yourself, neighbors, habitat by thought, word, deed.
2. For failure to perform or improper performance of his professional duties, the agent may be sent for additional training or deprived of the status of an agent of the International Information Justice Agency.
Article 7. Mystery of the applicant
1. The applicant's secret is any information related to the provision of comprehensive, integrative legal aid.
2. Agent is required to keep the applicant's secret.
Article 8. Acquisition of the status of an agent of the International Information Justice Agency
1. The status of agent of the International Information Justice Agency has the right to acquire a person who has a legal and other entity, allowing to ensure the restoration of justice to the applicant, the injured citizen.
2. If there is insufficient training, the applicant of agent status can receive training in information justice and obtain a basis for assigning the status of an agent of the International Information Justice Agency.
Article 9. Director of the International Agency for Information Justice
1. The Director of the International Information Justice Agency is encouraged by the international community for approval and approval of this status.
2. In case of negative feedback received during the approval of the agency's director's candidacy, this candidate is not considered for the position of director in the future.
3. In the absence of negative feedback during the approval of the director's candidacy, this candidacy is approved as the head of the agency.
4. Nominates candidates for the status of director of the agency scientific head of the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies.
5. The position of the first director of the agency is held by Andrei Mikhailov, scientific director of the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies.
6. The change of the director of the agency takes place once every 5 years. Re-appointment as director is unacceptable.
Article 10. The powers and responsibilities of the Director of the International Agency for Information Justice
1. The Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies provides and organizes the agency's activities.
2. The Director of the International Agency for Information Justice reviews candidates for agent status, approves and changes the composition of agents of the International Agency for Information Justice; claims the heads of the structural units.
3. The Director of the International Agency for Information Justice has the right to represent the agency around the world without proxy, to conclude and enforce contracts with interested parties and organizations.
4. The Director's Board of Governors, which includes persons interested in imposing a moral order and minimizing social parasitism, coordinates the director's activities. The Board of Governors of Partners is the agency's self-governing body and is formed on the basis of the approval of the managing partner with the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies. Decisions in the council are made by a simple majority vote.
Article 11. The structure of the International Agency for Information Justice
1. The structure of the International Agency for Information Justice:
The Board of Governors of Partners is a collegiate body of the agency's self-government;
Director - Executive Authority of the Agency;
Investigative Department - collects and consolidates information about subjects and objects of the balance of justice;
Information Department - provides a social assessment in the case of a victim of a sociopath or serial fraudster;
Agents of the International Agency for Information Justice - specialists in providing comprehensive, integrative legal assistance to victims of sociopaths and serial scams.
2. The agency's activities are carried out through the website.
3. Agency sign:

The agency's sign symbolizes the main role of the discursive-evaluation method in restoring justice, contains the inscription of the name of the agency "International Information Justice Agency". In the center of the sign is the symbol of planet Earth, painted in three colors of the discursive-appraisal scale: green (consent), red (not consent), blue (reflection). Also at the bottom of the sign are three appraisal buttons (green, red, blue), using which citizens form a social assessment and minimize social parasitism on planet Earth, reducing the influence of serial crooks and sociopaths on the prosperity of each person.
Declaration "Crime Prevention" St. Petersburg (Russia) - Vicenza (Italy), June 01, 2020
The Declaration "Crime Prevention" was adopted in St. Petersburg (Russia) - Vicenza (Italy) June 01, 2020 to join the efforts of national Interpol units, police associations, legal institutions and companies to fight crime after the 2020 pandemic.
A study of the problem of parasites in ecosystems has shown that there is such a way of survival as parasitism - the life of some creatures at the expense of others, with parasites causing harm, damage to those objects from which they take food and vital resources.
However, no one has paid attention to the human ecosystem to date. Did not single out such a group of social actors as social parasites that survive at the expense of other social actors, while also causing them harm.
This fact was the beginning of the formation of scientific research in St. Petersburg, which was carried out by leading experts of the former USSR and modern Russia in the field of parasitology and ecosocial technologies. Since 2005, experiments have been launched to study the global problem of parasitism. The Institute of Morality was created, which consolidated the expert community of St. Petersburg, and acted as an experimental platform for the study of the problem of social parasites. Further research of social parasitism and crime, sociopaths began to conduct the institutes of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies.
The research has been verified the basic model of behavior of the social parasite - the seizure of resources and their arbitrary redistribution against the background of complete social irresponsibility for the consequences of their actions.
It became clear that the mechanism of social parasitism is inherent in the very nature of man. It is governed by the basic social law that ensures survival: take more - let's do less. Under favorable conditions, each person can be activated parasitic tendencies, regardless of his social and property status. It does not matter what policy is carried out, what kind of state system and police, what ideology. It has become clear that many problems of public self-government, state construction and business can be successfully solved if the common problem for these systems is solved - the problem of global parasitism.
This declaration is intended to start a public debate on global parasitism. The declaration proposes new approaches to the prevention of social parasitism, which were tested from 2006 to 2020 in St. Petersburg and other regions of the world.
Studies have also shown that social parasites contribute to a constructive trend in social development. In particular, they draw a line of withdrawal from totalitarianism, extremism and other violence. Social parasites are interested in the sustainable development of society. They are against world wars and damage to property (especially their personal). Therefore, it seems not entirely correct to talk about the struggle and elimination of social parasitism. It is more necessary to talk about the prevention and limitation of social parasitism. There are also positive aspects for modern civilization from social parasites, which should be clarified in studies, used for the public good.
By concentrating society's attention to the problem of global parasitism, it is undoubtedly possible to create the right conditions for its prevention or cultural restriction. We are deeply convinced that the time of violence, including violence against social parasites, is a thing of the past and a relic of history. Changes in society should not be revolutionary and lethal, but an evolutionary, environmental, humane non-lethal way of implementation.
The future lies in cultural dialogue, eco-social technologies, which allow to provide the environment of non-lethal humane prevention of social parasitism. The use of the beneficial properties of social parasites allows to increase public well-being and stabilize its development, to ensure the preservation of welfare, legal protection and health of people of all regions of the world.
Article 1. Global parasitism
Global parasitism is the way of existence of an international social entity (an international group of persons, organizations, states) affected by the ideology of personal self-interest, a consequence of double moral standards. The global parasite seeks to live at the expense of other organizations and states, seizing resources and blocking access to them by citizens.
A social and parasitic structure is an organization whose best efforts are aimed at obtaining financial and material means to maintain its own existence. The characteristic feature of such a structure is the imitation of its main activities to solve socio-economic and environmental problems relevant to the population.
At the local level, global parasitism manifests itself in the form of social parasitism in the form of seizure of resources and arbitrary restriction of access to them by citizens.
Ways to prevent social parasitism - public control and mass ethical assessment of the results of access to consumption and production of resources by citizens.
Article 2. Ethical regulation of civil, commercial, criminal case
The problems of fair investigation and consideration of civil, commercial, criminal cases are related to double standards. One thing is proclaimed (justice, legality, honesty, decency, openness, etc.). Realistically, the participants of the case are guided by other standards: self-interest, greed, personal enrichment at all costs.
Moral judge, policeman, official, moral economy are possible provided the creation of such social and technological procedures that provide motivation for the moral behavior of the subject of civil, commercial, criminal case.
The ethical regulation of a civil, commercial, criminal case is based on consideration in the decision-making case, taking into account the public discussion and evaluation of the case and its participants.
Article 3. Prevention of social parasitism
Social parasitism is born of the natural desire of any social actor to maximize their benefit.
Organized crime is the criminal activity of subjects to implement subjective arbitrariness for their own purposes. Organized crime, by infiltrating social structures, turns them into parasitic formations. Thus, public and administrative institutions are corrupted, transferred to the mode of imitation.
In particular, the legislature is beginning to generate legislation allowing social parasites to evade any responsibility with impunity.
Prevention of social parasitism is carried out by every person who implements in his behavior the requirements of the global environmental principle, and proceeds when deciding on each case from a moral position.
Article 4. Global Environmental Principle
The global environmental principle is when a person does not harm others, environments and himself.
The global environmental principle follows a global ethical principle - it is the behavior of a citizen that excludes harm to one's own and other people's habitat..
The Global Ethical Principle is the universal regulator of any human activity.
The moral principle is that man does not harm himself, neighbors, the environment by thought, word, or deed. He creates for himself, other people, the habitat by thought, word, deed. It is a way of human behavior that ensures the development of mankind. It is based on the accounting and evaluation of each person's harm caused by a particular activity (inactivity) of other people in the process of communicating with other people.
Morality is a special attitude of human thinking and behavior, allowing not to harm himself, others, environment, harmony of spiritual and material aspirations and actions, balance of rights and responsibilities to society.
The decision in any case (civil, commercial, criminal) is carried out in accordance with the moral principle.
Article 5. Ecosocial technologies
Eco-social technologies are ways to ensure the concentration of citizens' attention at certain events or social actions, accompanied by mass ethical assessment.
Eco-social technologies protect civil, commercial, criminal cases from threats from global and local social parasites.
Eco-social technologies promote moral (non-harmful) civil, commercial affairs, make the police service worthy, fill it with honor and public trust.
Public safety, pre-trial and litigation, business protection are provided by the education of citizens in the field of practical ethics aimed at the development and use of eco-social technologies.
Article 6. Corruption, corruption in civil, commercial and criminal cases
Corruption, corruption are the main way of social parasites aimed at redistribution of the results of creative activities of citizens, business, police, lawyers.
Anti-corruption technologies include the use of eco-social technologies based on group and mass assessment. These actions are capable of setting their own orders, i.e. limiting arbitrariness and crime.
Article 7. Ethical assessment
Ethical assessment is a person's determination of a threat or a real risk of harm from other people and organizations. Ethical assessment is manifested in the form of an expression of a certain (positive or negative) attitude of a person to the social actions of others and organizations.
The scale of ethical evaluation is an orderly subjective attitude of the subject to the assessed social phenomenon.
The use of scales of ethical assessments when discussing decisions on civil, commercial, criminal cases makes them more fair, minimizes social parasitism.
Article 8. Mass Ethical Assessment as a Way to Protect Citizens' Interests
The assesser is not a passive observer of civil, commercial, criminal case, but an active participant. The process of evaluation arises from his awareness of personal significance, personal influence on what is happening. The experience of evaluation has a reasonable-cognitive and emotional character. Therefore, organically included in the holistic world of the assessor, forming a full-fledged person, able to effectively realize their rights, defend their civil, commercial case, pursue crime in the criminal case.
Article 9. Trends in the development of ethical regulation of civil, commercial, criminal case
Trends in the development of civil, commercial, criminal case: a combination of information technologies and eco-social technologies, creation of global and regional discursive and appraisal environments, social and evaluation networks, legal educational environments.
The ideal of legal education is a process of constant restructuring and correction of individual experience to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. It is independent of age, is an ideal mechanism of continuous legal education. This mechanism coincides with the process of life, the mechanism of life itself in its constant improvement.
Article 10. Practical Legal Ethics
Practical Legal Ethics is based on each lawyer's ethical assessment of the society regarding a particular civil, commercial, criminal case.
Lawyers, police officers remain an internal belief in the need to combine private, public and public interests in the investigation and consideration of each civil, commercial, criminal case.
Final provisions
There is a lack of justice in society. Everyone feels unfair to themselves. The lack of justice and inequality lead to social catastrophes and personal tragedies, and an increase in crime. Crime in people's relationships is associated with injustice.
Restoring sustainable development is done by balancing equity.
Equity balance models are based on a discursive and appraisal method. This is the scientific and practical basis of modeling the balance of social justice.
Balancing social justice can be done through the use of a new type of social network, social and appraisal networks. These are networks that allow the user to influence the restoration of justice through the organization of open discussion, group expert and mass evaluation on various scales (harmful- not harmful, threatening - not threatening, proper behavior - not due behavior, fair-unfair and so on).
Social and environmental problems are the issues addressed by the mission of the international legal community and police associations.
We see the international importance of developing a culture of environmental conduct for lawyers, police officers and environmental decisions in civil, commercial, criminal and administrative cases, which is to implement a global environmental imperative (do not harm).
The activities of individuals and organizations that share the provisions of this declaration are aimed at creating a culture of eco-behaviour and eco-management in the activities of the police and the legal community.
Eco-behaviour (environmental behavior) is a human behavior that excludes harm to the environment, other people and yourself.
Eco-management (management ecology) is a management activity of a person that excludes harm to the environment, other people and to himself.
Eco-behaviour and eco-management ensure the sustainable development and safety of the environment, people, society and the state, retain public confidence in the police and lawyers.

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